Friday, October 5, 2012

A New Day

Each day is a new day to start again which is much better than giving up completely, laying out on the couch, with a bag of chips, and watching T.V. all day.

Started with a bowl of Quaker old fashioned oatmeal with dates, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.  The oats are my whole grain, the dates add some sweetness, and probably a little nutrition, as well, and the walnuts and sunflower seeds are suppose to be my fat for the day, plus omega 3.  I also had a banana.  These are going to be my day starters with a little variation.  I don't know yet if I am going for the occasional egg.  Eggs make me want to have toast and fried potatoes!

Association foods are a real pain.  It is a domino effect of bad eating: first a little of this, then a little more of that, and before I know it, I am eating everything in the kitchen!

Taking it slow.....

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm Back!!

Ok, so after months of going in a completely different direction with my life, I am back to trying this dieting thing; or should I say lifestyle change?  Because afterall, you can't lose weight until you change your mind. Right?  Well, I hope so!

I weigh about the same, so I haven't really gained weight in my absence, so that is a good starting point for me.  I have been doing a lot of reading and research, and am now finding that the body needs nutrition rather than starvation.  I bought 2 books by Dr. Furhman: Eat to Live" and something about immunity.  He has rather radical ideas to a fat lover like me. I am trying to still wrap my head around eating a pound of raw and a pound cooked vegetables a day, along with a handful of nuts and seeds, 4 fruits, and a cup of beans. Grains are only allowed once a day.  No Fat At All!!!!
I tried this for a couple of days and became rather ill.  He says that this sickness is just your body detoxing from fatty foods like meat and dairy. He says to do this for 6 weeks, and then you can add back 10 to 20% of other foods like meat, dairy, fats and some refined carbs.

I have decided on not trying the 6 week program, because, well, it is just too scarey of a concept for a fat lady like me!

I still have some investigating to do, and I will keep you apprised as to what I have been up too.

Until we meat, get it? meet again.  LOL!!