Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well, well...

The fat lady has been in a bit of a quandary as of late.  My diet has gone to the birds, and that doesn't mean the kind you eat, but the lack of any real interest in it.  All my initial excitement is gone for the moment, because quitting a job after working for so long has left me kind of in a strange place--lost I guess you could say, so thinking of healthy eating is the last thing on my mind; although, I do continue to half-hearted try to make attempts at it.  Today I made a nice omelet with spinach, peppers, and mushrooms, and for lunch a fish dish with lots of nice fresh veggies. After that the whole dieting resolve went away with brandy old fashioneds, sushi, leftover chicken dinner(with potatoes, of course), pretzels, nuts, chocolate, and ice cream bars. Was that a long enough list?
It has only been a week and a half: everyone tells me to just take some time to myself to regroup: good advice, but I always have this nagging feeling that I need to get back to work soon or I will go insane.  Is it years of work brainwashing or self preservation?  A little of both I suppose.  Oh, well.
In the meantime, I am making vegetarian pub food for the hubby this weekend for his birthday dinner. This dinner will include homemade pickles that I made today, Irish brown bread that I am going to make,  Irish cheeses, and tart apples as the first course, followed directly by homemade English chips(or potato nuggets by american standards) with a malt vinegar dipping sauce.  The main course will be Cornish pasties with gruyere cheese(YUMM) and a nice Irish lager stew.  For dessert my daughter is bringing a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.  She and her husband are going to be brave enough to try my latest experimentation.
That should keep me out of trouble for awhile, because the one thing the fat lady enjoys just as much as eating is planning and preparing the next meal to eat! Hee! Hee!

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