Wednesday, August 24, 2011

portion size...

I was talking to my son and he said that he lost weight by reducing his portion size and by always leaving a little on his plate. I have always had problems with portion size: when I was younger and had great metabolism, I would eat large amounts of food, and then burn it off.  I never worried about how much I ate, and  I always ate pretty healthy food overall, but as the years go by and you go to the resturaunt, the portion sizes slowly get bigger and bigger, and you start to incorporate those portion sizes to the ones at home.  I have been seduced by the food industry and feel a little angry about it as I go onto my next phase of dieting: limiting the amount I eat.
This has and is going to be the most difficult thing for me to do. I mean, what is a acceptable portion size anyway?  Eat slowly and quit when you are full.  Huh! What's that? I have never felt full, except after a huge Thanksgiving dinner.  I did try a little of that today, but it made me nervous, and then I had the munchies, and then I ate munchy things.  Better luck tomorrow, hopefully.

In other news, I did go for a bike ride with the hubby.  The first one this year, so that will actually be 3 days of exercise this week, so I am at least on track with that venue of my plan.  The ride was hard on my heavy body, just doing 16 miles to start. I will try to continue though, because once I get used to it, biking is very enjoyable.


  1. In some of my readings I came across the concept of feeling full. It actually takes 20 minutes after eating a dish for the food to reach your stomach and to tell your brain your full, so keep that in mind. A person really doesn't need much in a meal. As long as your eating frequently you can get by with eating smaller portions. Thats where the diet I sent you can come in handy. It often has portion sizes (cup of this, tbs of that). I realized I was eating alot more than I actually needed and surprising felt full over time.

    As for eating out, only eat half the portion they gave you or even a quarter of it if it's a monster dish. Take the rest to-go. Splurging once and a while won't kill anything either as long as your not eating out regularly :D


  2. Very good advice! Something this old lady will have to seriously work at after years of ignoring body fullness.
