Saturday, August 13, 2011


While reading the Dukan Diet book I came across a section where the good doc teaches about  health and wellness. He says to go online and find out what your body mass index is with 27 being the cut off and 29 being obese. I plug in my height and weight to find out that at 205 pds I am at a 31. With the recent weight loss down to 200, I am a 30! Still, and I hate to see myself this way, obese!  Isn't that the way it is though. We ignore our clothes getting tighter, ignore the scale, stop looking in the mirror as much, make excuses for why the seat belt seems to have to be stretched a little more when putting it on, blame breathlessness on humidity, and on and on.
Is this incentive? Yes, for the moment it is. So, I am replacing the heeby jeebies with more glasses of water and, I won't lie, sugar-free popscicles.

I finished reading the Dukan Diet book with some reserve as to actually trying it. While some of the information makes a lot of sense, the meat eating is abhorrent.  I am already having trouble with the meat eating I am doing now!  I think that once I reach a plateau in this diet, my frustration will drive me to that extreme.  In the meantime, I am losing weight too fast right now. Each day I step on the scale it is a pound lighter. This is alarming, because when it doe s start to inevitably slow down will go into panic phase. I am not ready for that!  I figure if I can stick to this diet until the wedding, and really enjoy a good fattening meal and lots of alchohol at the reception, I will be doing pretty good to start all over afterwards. Wishful thinking? Eh, probably, but this food addict will have her dessert before plunging back into reserve and food mind control.

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