Tuesday, August 16, 2011


And, since I can't leave anything alone, I have investigated sugar also. It doesn't have a RDA(recommended daily allowance), but it is suggested that one doesn't go over 40g of sugar a day.  I have probably, on a regular basis, exceeded that in one bite! lol! So, as well as sodium counting, I am going to count sugar. Woo! Hoo! Doesn't this sound like fun!
By the way my daughter, the fabulous baker, made some zucchini-banana muffins with flax seeds in them, and I am eating that tonight with my coffee. Don't care if it is a refined carb.


  1. Good luck in avoiding sugar lol. Personaly I'd rather indulge in the crappiness of real sugar than come across substitues like Splenda. Found a list of sugar substitutes...it seems sugar itself may be the better choice lol http://www.livestrong.com/article/27542-sugar-substitute-list/

    Agave nectar is a good substitute.

  2. stevia is also quite sweet. Truthfully I am getting tire of the sugar-free popsicles and jello cups, but this fat lady needs to drop off some pounds before I dive into my moderation on sugar.
    Why does food have to taste soo good!
